support for The Revolution is Spiritual
this is the page where you can provide resources to support The Revolution is Spiritual by Victoria Cassandra of Cassandra Recovered inspired by channeled messages from The Student Collective of Thoth. if you feel called you can provide one off support or monthly support at whatever rate you are intuitively called to. please know that there is no need to pay anything to be part of our collective, you are much more valuable than your money.
we trust that we will receive the means to support as many Starseeds as possible in holding the frequency of unconditional love for energetic collective action.
we trust that thoughts create reality & that we will be provided for in our vision to support Starseeds through mass awakening with honour, dignity & respect no matter what their financial means or challenges are.
we trust in our vision of ending commodification of spiritual services that Starseeds need to heal, become empowered & gain energetic skills at this time in human history.
we trust that with access to the right resources, it is possible for the individual to transcend fear & seed their courage into the collective.
we trust in our vision to bring unity consciousness to spiritual services to champion the practice of providing pro-bono & pay-what-you-can for collective healing & education to Starseeds.
we trust that by enabling the individual to raise to raise their vibration by campaigning to remove barriers that they will become a powerful catalyst in raising the vibration of humanity.
we trust in the power of unconditional love, unconditional compassion and unconditional faith in creating heaven on Earth.
we trust that heaven of Earth begins inside of us then shines everywhere we touch.
we trust this because we are the dreamers dreaming the dream. we trust this because we always have been.
thank you for your support in this vision, you have my gratitude.
love - yes, light - yes; but first, letting go. the healing comes first, but when the healing is received, the love & light shines so brightly.
make a one-off payment to support The Revolution is Spiritual or scroll down to sign up for a monthly contribution. thank you!
support the vision every month.
you pick by how much. cancel whenever you like.