Victoria Cassandra’s thoughts on spiritually healing from abusive relationships

realize that you are not a victim. The energy of victimhood will keep you stuck.

if you have been embodying the energy of victimhood then the universe will send you more opportunities to be a victim. this is how much the universe is working to fulfill the energies that you emit.

your task is to find unconditional love & compassion for these people WITHOUT giving them access to you in order for them to do further harm to you.

meditate deeply on your own childhood trauma. Understand it for what it is. Then meditate on what their childhood must have been like in order to make them behave like this. Understand that in many ways you are the same you have just made different choices. They are replicating their childhood by embodying the energy of their victimizer that hurt them in order to find "safety" and you have been embodying the victim AKA "fawn" in order to replicate a strategy previously used to find "safety".

stop referring to people as "narcissists", it's dehumanizing.

yes, they have behaved in a manner that is unacceptable however you are not a psychologist and to use this language pushes you further into victimhood energy which doesn't serve you.

take responsibility for when you have enabled these people.

they are actually not able to behave this way until they have someone on the other side of the ping pong table. although you have been in a psychological prison in the majority of cases we do actually have options to walk away.

see where you have been over-explaining yourself.

people who genuinely love you want to understand you and you are not desperately trying to get them to hear you.

those who are trapped playing out abusive behavioural loops deliberately misunderstand because it's part of their agenda. it's a game that they play out.

the most loving way to behave towards your abuser is to remove yourself from their access.

this prevents them from playing out their addictive, destructive and dangerous relationship patterns. hopefully they have their dark night of the soul and heal. it will be without you though.

you have been an energetic match for the people that you have attracted into your life. like attracts like.

think about the kind of relationship you DO want & then embody the energetic qualities of this relationship. BELIEVE genuinely that this relationship is coming to you. affirm it. visualize events in your future relationship free from abuse. use Chat GPT to write you a story of your dream relationship that is loving & peaceful with someone who takes sovereign responsibility for themselves & their own healing. All that being shown something that we DON’T want does is show us what we DO want. focusing on what you DON’T want will manifest more of the same. break your own cycle.

think of your journey as one of independently discovering YOUR personal power rather than "escaping from bad people".

you have the power to make any relationship safe as soon as you end any pattern of self betrayal. when you are true to yourself you are the safe person you need because you give effective boundaries, you walk away when there's a red flag and you understand that you deserve to have high standards.

gain soul consciousness through understanding your karmic history through your natal chart to identify lessons you are here to learn in relationships this lifetime.

some aspects to look at is your Neptune & Venus placement. Is your Neptune and/or your Venus in retrograde? what houses are they in?

you may have past life baggage with these people and they are magnetic to your life in order to find karmic BALANCE. if your past life history is disempowerment and betrayal in relationships, in this lifetime you need to find your power and self loyalty.

re-imagine your life with Spiritual Space Holding by Cassandra Recovered

because imagination is everything

personal healing is political healing.

personal healing is societal healing.

personal healing is intergenerational healing.

personal healing is soul family healing.

personal healing is soulmate & twin flame healing.

I am an ancient Starseed soul with lifetimes of teaching experience. I was part of the roll out of the original Starseed project. now, in this time of mass awakening I have stepped up again as your interdimensional guide for trying times. together, I will show you how to create the joyous & loving life that is your birthright. the universe is limitless beloved. all of your choices will be honoured in this free will zone, including your choices to limit yourself. allow me to help you free yourself from your prison. you have the key.

I will guide you through mixed modalities for soul work, bespoke to your needs & goals. this includes - mediumistic tarot & oracle card reading, soul work, Starseed activation, Akashic records enquiry, astrology, channeled messages, spiritual mentoring & connecting to passed loved ones to gain insight on intergenerational trauma - illustrative only - we will innovate sessions to meet your unique needs.

I am a certified spiritual counsellor & I have lived it, Beloved.

contact me on email at or by Whatsapp at +1-226-584-2625 to find out more.

Victoria Cassandra

tarot. astro. channel. Spirit. soul. know. flow.


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revolutionary knowings on souls who trigger us.