the universal laws: fantasy is the true nature of reality.
choose your own adventure.
this universe being experienced is just one of countless realities within infinite consciousness.
it is a your creation within a vast, endless playground.
the universal laws are the rules of the game, agreed upon by the players (the souls) who choose to participate in this particular reality.
earth's universal laws are the specific rules for our experience, in place by collective agreement. whilst they can be limiting in some ways, this is to create a diverse range of experiences to provide chances for soul growth individually & in groups.
as energetic beings in physical bodies, we navigate these rules, facing challenges & opportunities.
the law of oneness
we're all connected, like puzzle pieces fitting together. our actions, words, and thoughts have a domino effect on the universe.
the law of vibration
everything in the universe is always moving, vibrating & going around in circles. this idea of vibration applies to our thoughts, feelings & desires. every sound, object & thing, whether living or non-living, has its own special vibration.
the law of action
we need to take steps to make our thoughts, dreams, feelings, and words real. we have to do things that support what we want.
the law of correspondence
the same things that make the physical world work – like energy, light, vibration, and movement – also work in the etheric realms; “as above, so below”
the law of cause & effect
this means means that nothing happens by accident. every action has a result, good or bad. this is in line with the idiom “we reap what we sow”
the law of compensation
the law of cause & effect is extended to blessings. this law means that the visible effect of our deeds are provided to us in return. quite simply, good things come from good deeds. this could be money, friends or other gifts. be grateful when receiving!
the law of attraction
we create our own reality. our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions create energy. this energy attracts similar energy. if we think negative thoughts, we'll attract negative experiences. if we think positive thoughts, we'll attract positive experiences. “as within, so without”
the law of perpetual transmutation of energy
we all have the power to change our lives. higher energy can overcome lower energy. by understanding these universal laws and using them, we can change our own energy and our lives.
the law of relativity
this law means that everyone faces challenges to help them grow. these are for learning & heart connection. rather than commiserating, we should seek to understand the lesson. we are all walking a meaningful path unique to us. it's all about perspective.
the law of polarity
everything has an opposite. this is true for everything in the world. duality is important because they help us understand our lives and the world around us. know that one thing is incapable of existing unless the polar opposite of it exists.
the law of rhythm
everything moves and vibrates in patterns. these patterns create seasons, cycles, and stages of life. wise people know how to stay calm and positive, even during difficult parts within a cycle & to maintain a state of unconditional neutrality.
the law of gender
everything contains ying & yang, feminine & masculine side. when we grow spiritually, we understand that to enhance our work it is essential to balance these energies within ourselves. this is not the sex of our birth - this is about divine balance. this applies whether you are cis or trans, & whether you identify as female, male or non-binary.
& finally, know this…
all love is expansion & selfishness is contraction.
the whole world is the mind. align your thoughts with the light.
all is perfect & sacred, even that which you do not understand.
feel divine & you will become divine.
you have the keys to your own mind prison, so set yourself free.
do not blame others. only focus on taking responsibility for yourself. if you cannot help someone without harming yourself then let them go.
live by your values with every breath & never consciously waver.
all is possible so do not hold space for self-limiting thoughts.
be authentic & do not compromise on your beautiful truth.
maintain a beginner’s mind & be constantly learning.
you are supremely powerful.
you may sacrifice anything but never your truth.
the revolution is spiritual - - tarot. astro. channel. Spirit. soul. know. flow.
re-imagine your life with Spiritual Space Holding by Cassandra Recovered
because imagination is everything
personal healing is political healing.
personal healing is societal healing.
personal healing is intergenerational healing.
personal healing is soul family healing.
personal healing is soulmate & twin flame healing.
I am an ancient Starseed soul with lifetimes of teaching experience. I was part of the roll out of the original Starseed project. now, in this time of mass awakening I have stepped up again as your interdimensional guide for trying times. together, I will show you how to create the joyous & loving life that is your birthright. the universe is limitless beloved. all of your choices will be honoured in this free will zone, including your choices to limit yourself. allow me to help you free yourself from your prison. you have the key.
I will guide you through mixed modalities for soul work, bespoke to your needs & goals. this includes - mediumistic tarot & oracle card reading, soul work, Starseed activation, Akashic records enquiry, astrology, channeled messages, spiritual mentoring & connecting to passed loved ones to gain insight on intergenerational trauma - illustrative only - we will innovate sessions to meet your unique needs.
I am a certified spiritual counsellor & I have lived it, Beloved.
contact me on email at or by Whatsapp at +1-226-584-2625 to find out more.