vibrational frequency: your quick start guide to getting high
being mindful of maintaining a high vibrational frequency is the only truly effective way to enjoy genuine healthy relationships & to be the most authentic self possible. authenticity requires connection to your own soul which is at a higher frequency. therefore, connecting to your own soul requires spiritual practice & mindset.
a high vibrational state will vastly improve the quality of your life. this quickstart guide will introduce you to methods of raising your vibrational state & vastly improving the quality of your life.
scan your thought patterns
thoughts seep into your reality. your mind is literally projecting your experienced world through perception. if you are a powerful manifester, never forget that this goes two ways - both positive AND negative. changing thought loops is difficult certainly, but not impossible. stick visual reminders of positive affirmations around your living space
ground yourself: connect with nature or do a grounding meditation
nature has the power to heal and raise the vibration of a person. when the heart feels happy, the mind follows and then the body is relaxed too. try early morning walks when the oxygen levels are optimum, hikes, trips to beaches or looking at the mountains. forest bathing is highly recommended! if it’s not possible to touch grass or hug a tree, then imagine roots or a grounding cord coming from your lower chakras & going deep inside of Mother Earth, to wrap around her loving, crystalline heart. you can visualize drawing energy from the heart of Earth until you feel safe & grounded.
be aware of objects & the energy they carry
inanimate objects carry energy much like living beings do. so, avoid clutter in your living spaces. don’t hoard items you no longer require. try to organize the things around you well. broken objects have an eroded vibrational frequency. these negative energies directly impact you so take the quality of your space seriously!
deep breathing is the essence of our existence. breathe love in & breathe love out! deep breathing raises your auric vibration. You can do it anywhere, it’s always free & accessible. the simplest method is to inhale to the count of three, pause for three seconds, and then exhale to the count of four. you might check out “Wim Hoff” technique on YouTube.
meditation is an extremely effective method for raising your frequency. aim for once or twice a day minimum. whatever you decide on, the most important thing is consistency. so set realistic goals. start small& then build it up when you have established a routine.
yoga boosts energetic flow throughout the body. it is essentially a moving meditation. if practicing at a studio, just ensure to choose a space that is spiritual rather than industrial. practice in a high vibrational space that respects your authenticity, boundaries and consent. trauma experienced people benefit from feeling safe in their body.
exercise daily
something as simple as a walk can make us feel very different quickly! no strenuous workout required, just keep the body moving. when exercising, have an attitude of unconditional love & care towards yourself & your body.
dance & music
shake off negative energy & get your body grooving to some good vibrational sounds! inspiring, happy & motivational music will raise your vibration almost instantly.
reduce screen time
limit the amount of upsetting content you consume. there is a balance between being a good citizen & keeping yourself informed versus feeling constantly in a state of overwhelm & dread regarding the state of the world. turn off your notifications on social media apps. keep your phone on silent. introduce bedtime hours in your sleep settings. use a screentime counter if necessary. set up separate social media accounts for each interest so that you are not inadvertently scrolling doom. honestly, Thoth is advising to turn off the news. we do more active good in the world when we are focused on healing ourselves deeply internally whilst casting a halo of Light where we can. if you are going to insist on keeping up to date on the news then at least read Noam Chomsky’s ‘Manufacturing Consent’, then decide if it’s worth lowering your vibration for.
dance & music curate a high-vibe circle
people, including our immediate family, extended family, friends and acquaintances can greatly influence our vibration. choose the people you surround yourself with wisely. if you have a family member that is not suitable to your vibe, it is better to set healthy boundaries while staying polite no matter who it is in your life you have a right to say no. remember that you NEVER owe anyone a relationship that overextends your boundaries.
eliminate alcohol & drugs.
alcohol is a poison & inherently low vibe. any mind altering substance will erode your vibrational energy. so will addiction. at a minimum reduce intake but for best results eliminate. there is joy & opportunity in a sober lifestyle - don’t knock it until you have tried it!
attitude of gratitude
write gratitude in your journal. enthuse gratitude at every opportunity. tell people how appreciative you are & notice their significant contributions in your life. consider your immense wealth & blessings. consider the incredible privileges you have. this not only feels better than focusing on a negative narrative about your bad luck & shortcomings, but expressing gratitude will attract more abundant experiences into your life.
release grudges & forgive
whenever our mind time travels into the past & lingers, we have lost our minds. shed any long held hurts & let go of grudges. forgive. take ‘‘revenge’ by showing everyone the kindness, compassion & love that were lacking for you. release the things that don’t serve. allow the death & rebirth cycle.
self love
self love is the foundation of love we give & receive in all other relationships in our life. it’s impossible to give someone something that we cannot give ourselves. you can’t pour from an empty cup. love yourself first & then loving all others will be an easy & natural consequence of this.
healthy boundaries
when we fail to set healthy boundaries, we can take the negative energy of others into our own auric field & damage our frequency. don’t lose your soul through allowing other people to walk over you. set healthy & loving boundaries at the earliest opportunity.
release grudges & forgive
small acts of kindness can go a long way. not only in raising your personal vibration but in casting a high vibrational frequency that can leave a lasting impression on those you impact.
acts of kindness
small acts of kindness can go a long way. not only in raising your personal vibration but in casting a high vibrational frequency that can leave a lasting impression on those you impact.
befriend the ego
allow your ego to rest. you can witness it without buying into it. release it & show it some compassion. allow yourself to observe your thoughts & emotions rather than being a orisoner to them. thoughts & emotions are a dataset. ask them what they are seeking to teach you.
sunlight foods
plant based foods that have absorbed the most amount of sunlight are higher vibrationally. increase your intake of colourful and flavoursome fruit & veg. avoid processed food as much as possible. when we eat meat we take on the emotional energy of a sentient being & that energy can be very negative especially due to industrial slaughter methods.
solfeggo frequencies
these sounds are helpful when you are in the process of raising your vibration whilst releasing unhelpful emotioanl loops. these sound patterns generate vibrations in your body.
your speech is powerful. it’s like a spell. put it to good use. you are the powerful creator of your own reality. speak it into reality.
quit gossip
gossiping is an addictive behaviour that is fundamentally unkind. speak to people directly rather than talking about them behind their backs. communicate clearly. when someone triggers you, ask the Archangel Gabriel to send them
your love. gossiping will block your manifesting powers. if you find yourself engaged in gossip - have compassion for yourself but ask why you were compelled to do it.
be joyful
claiming your joy is an incredible uplift to your vibe. indulge yourself with your hobbies. laugh often. be silly. honestly, put a smile on your face & watch the rest fall into place.
check out crystal options to curate the energy that you long to create. keep them cleansed regularly. charge them with beautiful & loving intentions. put googly eye stickers on them & tell everyone you got a new pet. lie on your back on the floor in a square of sun falling through the window & marvel at how shiny they are.
re-imagine your life with Spiritual Space Holding by Cassandra Recovered
because imagination is everything
personal healing is political healing.
personal healing is societal healing.
personal healing is intergenerational healing.
personal healing is soul family healing.
personal healing is soulmate & twin flame healing.
I am an ancient Starseed soul with lifetimes of teaching experience. I was part of the roll out of the original Starseed project. now, in this time of mass awakening I have stepped up again as your interdimensional guide for trying times. together, I will show you how to create the joyous & loving life that is your birthright. the universe is limitless beloved. all of your choices will be honoured in this free will zone, including your choices to limit yourself. allow me to help you free yourself from your prison. you have the key.
I will guide you through mixed modalities for soul work, bespoke to your needs & goals. this includes - mediumistic tarot & oracle card reading, soul work, Starseed activation, Akashic records enquiry, astrology, channeled messages, spiritual mentoring & connecting to passed loved ones to gain insight on intergenerational trauma - illustrative only - we will innovate sessions to meet your unique needs.
I am a certified spiritual counsellor & I have lived it, Beloved.
contact me on email at or by Whatsapp at +1-226-584-2625 to find out more.